Understanding The Background Of Flirting


Flirting is enticing by one being of another by drawing attention through ordinary or subtle means. When done with mutual consent, it adds color to life. Life becomes meaningful, pleasurable; everything seems so right and harmonious. Flirting may include in the day to day living, an indication between two human beings or a group, out of which both drive lightness in mood and would like to remain in touch, just by being around.

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It may also be taken as love between two ( adult male and female ), individuals as long as there is an understanding of mutual  sharing.
It is common to see such gesticulation between two acquaintances. They may acknowledge the presence of the other by signals. Between students, there could be of drawing attention of others by cracking jokes and disturbing, but meaning to flirt.

Flirting or coquetry

It is a social and sometimes sexual activity involving verbal or written communication as well as body language by one person to another, suggesting an interest in a deeper relationship with the other person. In most cultures, it is socially disapproved for a person to make explicitly sexual advances, but indirect or suggestive advances (i.e., flirting) may at times be considered acceptable. On the other hand, some people flirt playfully, for amusement. Flirting is popular TV theme and amusement all over the western and some other parts of the world. The shows usually get high TRP.

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Marlin Monroe Flirting with Cay Grant

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

While flirting and speaking or behaving in a way that suggests a mildly greater intimacy than the actual relationship between the parties would justify, though within the rules of social etiquette, which generally disapproves of a direct expression of sexual interest. This may be accomplished by communicating a sense of playfulness or irony. Double meaning words, with one meaning more formally appropriate and another more suggestive, may be used. Body language can include flicking the hair, eye contact, brief touching, open stances, proximity etc. Verbal communication of interest can include the vocal tone, such as pace, volume, intonation. Challenges (teasing, questions, qualifying, feigned disinterest) serve to increase tension, test intention, and congruity.

Double meaning words, with one meaning more formally appropriate and another more suggestive, may be used. Body language can include flicking the hair, eye contact, brief touching, open stances, proximity etc. Verbal communication of interest can include the vocal tone, such as pace, volume, intonation. Challenges (teasing, questions, qualifying, feigned disinterest) serve to increase tension, test intention, and congruity.
Flirting behavior varies across cultures due to different modes of social etiquette such as how closely people should stand (proxemics), how long to hold eye contact, how much touching is appropriate and so forth.[1] However, ethologist Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt found that in places as different as Africa and North America, women exhibit similar flirting behavior: prolonged stare followed by a head tilt away with a little smile. Via

The Way of Life

The other day, on receiving a message below, I had the feeling of being flirted by the other person intending to get my attention. The message was something like this as underneath.” Life’s A to the Z Journey. Always Be Cool. Don’t have Ego with Friends and family. Give up Hurting Individuals. Just Keep Loving Mankind. Never Omit Prayers. Remember God. Speak Truth. Use Valid words. Express your Zeal.” There is not much of a substance in the message, but the other person trying to show intimacy and sort of flirting that he could cover alphabets from A to Z

Flirting may consist of stylized gestures, language, body language, postures, and physiologic signs which act as cues to another person. Among these, at least in Western society, are:


Types of Flirting:

1. In which a lot of playful exchange of words, and usually good mannered and humored teasing is carried out. In this, you always get on with conversation or remark on any action or deed of the other. You are always  trying to get humor out of any situation.

2. Blowing a kiss: It is not unusual to see in daily life of families and friends and especially kids of giving flying kisses. Like between father/mother and a daughter/son or sisters and brothers. The impression generated is that all there around the enjoy the situation

3. Casual touches; such as a woman gently touching a man’s arm during conversation. 

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Photo Credit: Wikipedia

4. Coyness, affectedly shy or modest, marked by cute, coquettish, or artful playfulness (e.g. pickup lines).

5. Eye contact, batting eyelashes, staring, winking, etc.

6. Flattery (regarding beauty, sexual attractiveness).

7. Footsie, a form of flirtation in which people use their feet to play with each other’s feet.

8. Giggling or laughing encouragingly at any slight hint of intimacy in the other’s behaviorImitating of actions (e.g. taking a drink when the other person takes a drink, changing posture as the other does, etc.)

9. Maintaining very short distance during casual talking. Online chat, texting, and other one-on-one and direct messaging services while hinting affection
Protean signals, such as touching one’s hair.

10. Sending notes, poems, or small gifts.

11.Singing specially selected love songs in the presence of the person. 12.Smiling suggestively.

13.Staging of “chance” encounters.

14. Teasing.




18. Romantic flirting

19. Passionate flirting

The effectiveness of these several interactions has been subjected to detailed analysis by online psychologists, and advice on their use is available from dating coaches.

Ant-Flirt Club:

Here it may be appropriate that Anti-Flirt Club was formed in the USA in 1920 to caution and alert young ladies falling prey to men who just wanted have fun with no commitment. The Anti-Flirt Club was an American club active in Washington, D.C., during the early 1920s. The purpose of the club was to protect young women and girls who received unwelcome attention from men in automobiles and on street corners. The Anti-Flirt Club launched an “Anti-Flirt” week, which began on March 4, 1923. ViaThe club had a series of rules, which were intended as sound and serious advice.



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