I Love This Interpretation of *Prayer*


*Prayer* doesn’t just happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus and expect things from God.It gets conveyed through one’s loving feeling. 

*Prayer* is a submission to the Creator for a good day ahead. So that I work for the welfare of the self, the family, and the world.

 When I do not offend any living being or I give any distress or hardship to any one. Thinking positive and wishing good for others – is a *Prayer*. When you hug a friend – That’s also a *Prayer*

When you cook something to nourish family and friends – That’s also a *Prayer*. When we send off our near and dear ones and say ‘Drive Safely’ or ‘Be Safe’ – That’s also a *Prayer*. When you are helping someone in need by giving your time and energy, You are *Praying*.

When you forgive someone from the bottom of your heart, that is a *Prayer*. Prayer is a Vibration- A feeling A good, conscientious *Thought*.

*Prayer* is the voice of love, friendship, and reaching out for genuine relationships.  And I wish each and every reader of this paragraph all the very best in life.


On Key

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