Hair Clip to Protect Women

If one is safe at all times, the life is meaningful and one can do as one wishes. Physical safety is the most important aspect for anyone’s existence.  Keeping this in view Rachel Emanuele, a graduate student at the University of Arizona and husband Arthur of Tempe. Arizona, USA  have gone ahead to create an unique hair-clip and mobile app. The hair-clip is designed to operate and identify an offender indulging to harm women in particular. It consists of an accelerometer, which detects strikes to the head and uses Bluetooth to send signals to call for help. It collects data for evidence to aid in prosecution. All the systems work together to identify, deter, apprehend and prosecute the offender. This hair clip is an aid to your surveillance and a definite crime-fighting instrument. In such emergencies the system would help to know one’s location and will aid the responders to take action. The evidence is the most important to collect for any prosecution. The evidence collection will certainly uplift the morale of women. It will give them a definite feeling of physical safety and the victim can be certain that the attacker will have to face the consequences of the shameful misbehavior. This gadget is to hit the market all over the US through First Sign Technologies. It is to be launched through Indiegogo. unnamed-8-copy

Image courtesy: First Sign Technologies’ Facebook Page

The crime fighting gadget will certainly boost the the morale of women all over the world with a definite aim of recoding the evidence while contacting the responders to act. No amount of firearms or knives can help the weaker sex or weaklings in most of the cases. As per researchers it has been established that the offender is most of the times a known or have met the victim earlier at least once. So all one needs is to record the evidence of such cowardly act to take advantage of the modesty of the victim. At any time of the 24 hours the women need a constant protection system which this gadget is designed for. This system is thought to be a problem solver – a definite need of the modern times. The gadget is sure to be a success if the cost is kept with in the easy reach. When the benefits  trickle down to the last beings, the cost is bound to come down. Here it may be mentioned the system would also be useful to fragile and older or the senior citizens or persons of either sex and many other new uses would be found. A lot of work and efforts for the engineering development, design and assembly have gone into prior to decide and launch such a useful product.



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