How to get power through Yoga for the Lifeforce (PRANA) ?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]To conduct Pranayama from the nose why are there two holes? What explanation is given by the science? What has the Vital Lifeforce or the Prana got to do with it?

Vital Lifeforce or the Prana means the power that moves the human body. All the functions in a human being depend on the Vital Lifeforce( the Prana)and Mind (mana). The mind and sensory organs work because of the Prana. The process of controlling the Vital Force or Prana is Pranayam. Lifeforce or the Prana gets kindled or illuminated through the Yoga. One should think that Life Force Prana is the breath. But the Lifeforce gets sheltered by the breath. The Prana needs the breath.  By balancing the breath, the Pranayam gets executed.

The Word Pranayam consists of two words  PRANA+AYAM – that is the work done to enhance the area of Prana.

Inhale and exhale are the way that manifests the Brahma through the Prana. Two nasal passages are provided to take in and out the breath through the nose, to take the breath two holes or nostrils are supplied by nature.

Through the Yoga, both the holes ( passages) draw in the breath into the body. Only after this Prana gets generated in the Sushumna nerve that is attached to the spinal cord. Depending on the which side of the holes is used the body gets affected. The secret lies in this process of breathing.

This page has two parts that individually explain the functions of each side of the nose – you can learn more about yourself by understanding the explanation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]The Left Part of the Nose.

The medical science says that Fear and anger emotions are because of this. 

Medical science does not give importance to emotions, but the Harvard Medical School says that the sympathetic nerve decides on both the feelings of ” fight or flight”. That means one gets both Fear and Anger emotions. Because of this nerve, saliva production gets less, and the reduces the output of the mucus. That results in decreased activity in the intestine. The creation of glucose from glycogen is the work of this nerve. The secretion of urine gets affected due to this part. If the heart beats go up, the heart rate can slow down by controlling this part of the nose. 

The Ayurveda calls this Moon’s nerve.

The moon symbolises the coolness. Coolness or cold is related to a cough. Through the use of this the left nostril, one can control the high blood pressure, besides this, the Moon (left) nerve also works on the mind.

What does Moon’s Nerve signify:

The Moon’s nerve cools the body as Moon’s nerve remains active and slows. This nerve is mainly responsible for depression. The anger and laziness prevail due to the unbalancing of this channel.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

Photo Source: Dainik Bhaskar showing Nose and Both Left & right Nostrils

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]The Right part of the Nose. 

As per the Medical science, the Digestion and Relaxation depend on this part of the Nose.

The right nasal passage works just the opposite to the left side of the nose. As per the Harvard Medical School, Para-sympathetic nerve operates as a deterrent, that is,  like a speed controlling brake. It is believed that it helps in digesting the food and also works in relaxing the body. Due to it, the digestive juices get produced, and the urine secretion enhances. The medicine to reduce blood pressure works on this nerve thereby increasing the urine secretion.

Ayurveda names this as the Sun Nerve.

The Sun nerve or the Surya nerve increases the heat in the body. Therefore it has the job of digesting food. The food digestion is nothing but production of hydrochloric acid. From this point of view, Sun’s nerve works to give body balanced bile. The unbalancing of sun nerve results in excessive acidity in the body.

What is the work Of Sun nerve:  With its activation, you can work properly, just as the left nasal hole is responsible for discharging the urine, the right or the sun nerve if working correctly,  then on your visit to the toilet the excrement would be proper. And the stomach will get clear. Otherwise, the gut will not get adequately cleaned.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]FOLLOWING PARA next to backbone Photo Spinal Cord or backbone 

Backbone or Merudand is the powerhouse of the body. It is a place where many nerves and veins enjoin from the brain and all the organs & glands of the body.

The Yog Shastras Call this part of Body as Eda 

The nerve adjoining the left nostril is called the Edda nerve. Edda means the Goddess, Kali. This nerve has the functions of & works like that of Goddess Kali. Goddess Kali depicts and stands for Deep love & Intense urge. Yoga has a thumb rule that each Yoga practice or session or posture commences from the left.

It is because you train the mind first, only then intellect can get refined & sharpened.

Such an effect will show itself.

This nerve influences in such a way that the people live in an emotional set of mind. Such people get sentimental and weep and laugh readily, pretty soon. Their spirit remains in upheaval or turbulence.

Pranayam always commences from the left side nostril. This nerve never leaves one in comfort.

Therefore, the Pranayama is commenced from this nasal passage.  First, the left portion of the body is treated through the asanas or postures and the pranayama. If this is not done so,  meditation is not possible,  just as the severe cold never lets one do anything[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]spine

Photo Source: Dainik Bhaskar showing the spinal cord


[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]FOLLOWING PARA next to backbone Photo 

Whenever both the nasal holes are cleared and opened, the Parana  enters the body through the Sushmana nerve adjoining the spinal cord

 The Yog Shastras Call this part of Body as Pingla

The nerve joining the right nasal is known as the Pingla nerve. It is the hot nerve of the body. The heat work of the body is conducted through this nerve. It also performs the food digestion. As per Swaryog, For healthy being, this nerve commences the action at 1030 hours each morning.

The food gets digested in this way:

Many digestive juices secret when this right nasal hole gets active. As this nostril keep working, the power to absorb the eaten food remains active. That is why it is advised to lie down on the left side of the body. The remaining portion of the body gets pressed down, and the sun nerve gets activated and ensures the food digestion.

Without this nerve meditation is impossible. 

To meditate it’s essential that the sun nerve remains open and free. Otherwise, the thoughts and mind keep wavering and it is impossible o concentrate, and meditate.

In case the right-hand nostril remains closed, you will stay trapped in the whirlpool of emotions. One will not be able to concentrate and meditate.

By working with this nerve, the rhythm of meditation becomes possible.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]Asanas or the Yoga Postures that Activate this part of the body – Eda nerve

The main asana that activates the left part of the body is called the Surya Namaskar or Saluting Sun. In case this part is lax or inactive Dhanurasana, Ushtra asana, Chakrasana can reactivate this part of the body. That is to say; the all asanas those affect the chest area can arouse this part of the body. Because in all these asanas additional forms of the breath have to be stopped.

Here is how Eda  Nerve opens up:

In the given the asanas both hands and the shoulders are used. The carotid artery from the shoulders to the head, on both side the get activated and get opened, and both the nostrils opening get cleared and opened. All the blocked Nasal opening of the participants open up. Participants’ left nostril open.


This posture is not to be done by those people whose; this nerve remains active for extended periods. They have the complaint of Cough; they need not do the body cooling, Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayama.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]Asanas That reduce the overactivated right side nerve of the body:

If the right-hand side nasal nerve is inactivated, the person will not get hungry at all. For its activity, Surya Namaskar is essential.  But the problem occurs when the Surya nerve is over-activated. To counteract and to quieten down practice Shasak asana, Brahmari and sheetkari pranayama.

Do not do these:

Those whose Surya nerve is over-activated they need not do the Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, Ustrasan, and the Surya  Asan. Such participants should not practice Kapal Bhati, Ujjayi, and Bhastrika Pranayamas.

Adopt the following: 

Those who have overactive Surya channel have to practice Yog Nidra, gives psychological rest, ego is appeased, and this changes the personality for the better.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]How do people behave in the more active working of Eda’s nerve?

Generally, introverts people have more active left nasal passage.  If this nerve is active over one and half hour, it may be inferred that there is some problem somewhere with the physical body. The breath taken from the left nasal passage affects the right side of the head. Such people are emotional and sentimental. They feel remorse very soon, and anyone easily bosses them.

Is the Lifeforce is one?

It is essential that both the nostrils do not work together. Only in the evenings, they work together. They work one at a time. If the right nostril is working then left works and vice-versa. Because of Yoga, both can work together, and breath can be drawn into the body, which readies the Lifeforce.

We need to grasp that there is only ONE Prana which controls the human body and has the basis it’s working on various physical processes and actions. Pran has ten divisions. Of which Five central are Pran (controlling respiration), Apana ( excretory system), Samana ( digestive system), Vyana ( circulatory system), and Udana ( reactions and final ejection of Prana).

Of the five subdivisions, there are Naga, Kurma, Krukal, Dhananjay, and Devdutt. It is necessary that the Vedic works of literature mention on the five main type of literature but not on the subdivisions. The secondary kinds of writing don’t have much importance. The Prana resides in the upper part of the body and drives all the sensory organs and runs lungs, heart, food pipe and the respiratory system.

The ongoing process of breathing in and out is the Prana. The Apana or the ar that moves upwards resides in the rectum area and plays the work of a cleaner and regulates the expelling of stools and the foul and pungent air.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]How does the Over active Pingla Nerve affects the nature?

People whose right side Pingla nerve is much active,they are more extroverts. The moment it becomes more active the breath increases on the right side nostril. If it remains active for longer period the level of vital force changes.this nerve controls the left part of the head. Such people have much ego and think of others as nothing.

The Prana Or the Life Force – When, Where How and why When – How long does it remain?

What Will Happen ?: The lifespan will increase. The cells will get a new life, or the cell break due to ageing.

Where– The Prana Lives in five places.

How – Pranayam’s different method.   Why: Normal humans breath 10-15 times and this has to come down one per minute

What will happen: Lifespan will increase. Each cell will get a new life. Otherwise, the cells keep breaking with ageing

Life force’s impression: Lifeforce has two significant effects on the body, namely feeling hot and feeling cold. And both of these beckons the Lifeforce. That is why some Pranayama brings sweat, or others bring in cold to the body.
Heat generating effects: Kapalbhati, Bastrika and suryabhedi generate heat in the body, In Kapalbhati and Bastrika, the stomach vibrates in an and out fast. Therefore, they activate the Lifeforce.
Cold generating effects: Sheetali and sheetkari are such pranayamas that bring in cool effects to the body. They work ion the chest area where the Lifeforce abides that is not excited or disturbed. The BP is lowered, and the urine infection gets healed.
Is Lifeforce available at any place: Yes, when the breath is stopped inside and outside the Lifeforce location is within the Stomach and the heart. Lifeforce, Aapan, Saman are all together in a place. Joy and energy can be felt on the three joining together[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The mysteries of three gates the body: Did you ever think as to why the Yogis had so much of agility?  They remain silent and do not react, but they can super quick to work out. Energy is available through exercise or performing Yoga postures. There is a secret in Yog that power may be kept in reserve. Strength is the primal wealth. Energy is stored in the third layer of the five layers of the body. Is there a way to save and keep the power in the human body like in a money bank?

Following Asana, Pranayama and Mudra there follow the place of Bandhs. There are very few knowledgeable books that have written about the practice of Bandhs. Even the Ashtanga Yog talks about Yog & Pranayam but nothing about the Bandhs. Bandhs are meant to block the power. The literature related to the awareness of life has mentioned about the Bandhs. There are three gates in the body: Throat, Naval and Anus. The energy is stored through the bandh at the three gates mentioned.

Prana is awake with the practice of Banth:  Bandh is translated as Stopping or trying. With the drill of Pranayama, the Vital Lifeforce or the Prana gets awakened, and with Bandhs’ drill, the Vital Lifeforce gets collected in one place. On executing the bandhs the Prana or the Vital Lifeforce stream is reversed, and the psyche or the mind stop wandering or hanging about stops. The Bandhs don’t let the Vital Lifeforce to scramble or scatter.

Bandhs may be understood by drawing a parallel between musical notes and timing that generate the energy flowing from the heart, and throat and finally appearing through the throat and the tongue.
There are three different Bandhs viz: Jalandhar Bandh, Uddiyan bandhs, and the Mool Bandh. When all the three Bandhs are performed together, it is called The Maha Bandh or as ” Mritumatangkesri Yog. The three bandhs together beat even the death.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]1. Jalandhar Bandh: Sit in Padmasana or the Siddhasan and inhale. Both the hands are o be placed on the knees, and then bend the chin inwards to touch the upper chest area, The eyes need to be focused between the eyebrows. The chest is kept straight. This Bandh brings the network of nerves around the neck together. One will not feel the pangs of the hunger. The thyroid is balanced, and all related diseases get cured.

  1. Due to this bandh, the voice turns sweet, melodious and attractive.
  2. Both Edda and Pingla nerves get blocked. The Vital Life energy force enters the Sushmana nerve get treated. All diseases related throat & thyroid well cared. Natural and favourable results are obtained.
  3. Vishudi Chakra gets aroused

2. Mool Bandh:  While sitting in Sidhasana or Padamasana make the Bahya or Abhyantar Kumbak, contract the rectum and the urinary bladder. It ensures the lower abdomen to get stiff. Practice under expert guidance. Following benefits are bound come.

  1. Mooladhar chakra arises thereby arousing the Kundalini.
  2. Constipation and piles get cured. Digestive energy increases.
  3. Strengthens Semen and enhances the celibacy power.

3. Uddiyan Bandh:   Uddiyan means to fly. It helps the Prana to move up to enter the Sushumna nerve. Exhale and relax the stomach area. Now pull the stomach and contract, try so that it touches the backbone. Soon followed by doing the Uddiyan bandh by lifting the chest gently upwards. Then let the stomach touch the back. Inhale and repeat the whole procedure done earlier. Do it three times. One can do it three times, by increasing the intensity. It may also be done by standing straight and then place both the palms on the knees and perform the bandh. The stomach problems get cured, also cures diabetes, gastric uneasiness, constipation and cures hernia problems. This bandh raises the Prana and cleans up the Manipur Chakra.

Maha Bandh: All the three bandhs when performed together

  1. Ensures The Prana to move upwards.
  2. Confluences the Sushmana, Ida and Pingala nerves together



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