How to encounter Hypertension and Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

April 7 was celebrated as the World Health day.  As per reports of WHO, hypertension and BP and its related side effects can corner anyone. Even the youngsters are seen to be effected by this ever increasing problem  and are not spared. Good news is that hypertension and BP can easily be tackled by following regular exercise, yoga and a proper and balanced diet […]

Enzymes: Their Uses in Life


It was learnt around 1930 that Enzymes are boon for the human body. As all the functions of the body are conducted by the Enzymes. Enzymes are a boon for the human body. It  is said that if enzymes were not there then our body will need a very high temprature for all the metabolic changes which are taking place every moment […]

Food In A Predigested Form: Sprouts


The food we eat has usually two major parts 1st)  carbohydrates 2nd) Proteins. Healthy body can digest the food with right amount of secretion and correct quantities of digestive juices. But wherever this balance of digestion is disturbed in a body outside help is required in the form of 1st) Medicinal enzymes 2nd) predigested form of food packaged in a suitable […]

Live Food

We have to learn that all normal functions of body are done through enzymes i.e: digest food, breathe, move muscles, or to reproduce .These enzymes are supplied by the live food such as fresh fruits, uncooked green vegetables and sprouts.  

White Refined Sugar The Vitamin and Calcium Thief – Part 2

White refined sugar, when it moves through the digestive organs, needs vitamin B complex and the mineral which is stolen is CALCIUM.  As there is none in white refined sugar, so the body reserve or wherever it is there in the body is used in the process of  digestion of white refined sugar. Similarly Calcium is the casualty  i.e. Calcium […]

White Refined Sugar The Vitamin and Calcium Thief – Part 1

All the refined foods are in a way thieves of the vitamins and minerals. That is the reason the villagers and persons living in the backward areas get more advantage out of the frugal food they eat. The persons living in the cities, living in palatial buildings, who move in cars even for very short distances, persons who are rolling in wealth, […]

Harmful Facts About the Refined Sugar

1. HARM DONE BY EATING WHITE REFINED SUGAR Tooth Decay: Every Dental Association is passing resolution condemning white refined sugar, as tooth’s worst enemy. Dental doctors are all one in insisting that their patients especially children must not take too much sugar. Dental cream manufactures are starting campaigns now and then to educate people especially young children about dental care. They clearly […]

Do You Know that White Refined Sugars Is Very Unhealthy ?

Sugars: There are a number of sugars around.  Glucose also known as dextrose. Fructose; Lactose; Sucrose;Maltose; Insulin. Glucose is grape sugar or blood sugar – it occurs in almost all the fruit and vegetables. Lactose is a sugar which occurs in milk, it is digested less readily and hence is not so fattening. It is a food for intestinal bacteria which change into Lactic Acid. […]

How to Control Cholesterol, Saturated Fat And Uric Acid? Through Sprouts

Saturated Fat

The trio, Cholesterol, Saturated Fat And Uric Acid which is responsible for undermining the health of vast number of persons  – old, young and children ( male or female) consists of the following : 1) Increase in the level of the cholesterol in the body. 2) In take of too much fat which is mostly of the saturated type. […]

The Complete Food

The idea balanced diet or the complete diet has gained great popularity during the last four – five  decades.  It is said that the body needs a number of constituents like Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, Vitamins, Enzymes, Water, Fiber and Minerals.