Depression, its Signs, Cause and Recovery…

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings, and physical well-being. No matter if you are feeling hopeless, you can get better. But first, you need to understand depression. Learning about depression—including its signs, symptoms, causes, and treatment—is the first step to overcoming the problem.

Feeling down from time to time is a normal part of life till emptiness and despair take hold and won’t go away, it may be depression. We all go through ups and downs in our mood. Many people use the word depression to explain these kinds of feelings, but depression is not only sadness, it is something more than that. Here we are trying to tell you something very important about depression.  How to know that someone is in depression?

Signs of Depression:

Most common signs of depression are:

  • Distraction, lack in concentration, Inability to think clearly, slowed thinking, memory loss.
  • Feeling of deep sadness or frustration
  • Decreased energy level and overall fatigue
  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Noticeable weight loss or weight gain
  • Loss of pleasure or interest in activities one used to enjoy before
  • Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, anxiousness and restlessness
  • Increase in risk taking behavior such as dangerous driving, alcohol or drug abuse or promiscuous encounters.
  • Feelings of helplessness or pessimistic feelings and guilt
  • Loss or increase of appetite
  • Irritability and increased anger, usually a short temper
  • When one cries for no apparent reason
  • Increase in the number of aches and pains in the body, including back aches, headaches and stomach pains
  • Isolation, withdrawal or distance from family, friends and normal social activities
  • Insane thoughts like committing suicide or death
  • Unusual anxiety and anger

Causes of Depression

Causes of depression can be many. Once you have find out that someone is in depression try to know the reason for that. It will help you in sorting out the problem.

If someone is facing serious medical and physical conditions like heart disease, cancer, and HIV can contribute to depression because of the physical weakness and stress. Depression can make medical conditions worse, since it weakens the immune system and can make pain harder to bear.

Stress and pressure of things like financial problems, the breakup of a relationship, or the death of a loved one can bring on depression. You can become depressed after changes in your life, like starting a new job, graduating from school, or getting married.

Family history can be one of the reasons for it as genetics play an important part in depression. It can run in families for generations.

People who have pessimistic personality which involves low self-esteem and a negative outlook are at higher risk of becoming depressed.

Other psychological disorders like anxiety disorders, eating disorders, schizophrenia, and substance abuse often appear along with depression.

Recovery from Depression

Social Support:

If you recognize the signs of depression in yourself or a loved one, the best approach to make a distance from it involves a combination of social support, lifestyle changes, emotional skills building, and professional help.

Ask for Help:

The main step to depression recovery is to ask for help. Having a strong support system in place will speed your recovery. Isolation increases depression, so even when you feel like being alone reach out to others. Let your family and friends know what you’re going through and how they can support you. This will help you for sure.

Change in Living style:

Lifestyle changes are not always easy to make, but they are not impossible too and can have a big impact on depression. Lifestyle changes that can be very effective includes Cultivating supportive relationships, Getting regular exercise and sleep, Eating healthfully to naturally boost mood, Managing stress, Practicing relaxation techniques, Challenging negative thought pattern.



One Response

  1. Causes of depression include genetic, environmental or biological factors. Trauma, abuse, failure, financial troubles, unemployment, loss of a loved one, loneliness, lack of social support, marital problems, health problems, chronic pain in the body, substance abuse, obesity, advanced age, diet, terminal illnesses, family history of depression, smoking, seasonal changes, thyroid problems, poor sleep habits, polluted urban environment, failed relationships, certain medications, changing cities or residences or jobs, inability to complete a simple task due to some reason, low confidence and self-esteem, etc can all trigger depression.

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