Cancer, known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a broad group of various diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body.
The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic system or bloodstream. As advances in the treatment of cancer have increased, you may have discovered more opportunities to learn the facts about this disease. Yet some misleading ideas about cancer treatment still persist. We will here debunk some of the most common misconceptions about cancer treatment and explains the truth.
Cell Phone can cause Cancer:
Nearly 30% believed this, although there is no scientific evidence to prove or disprove the relationship between cell-phone use and brain cancer. The National Cancer Institute continues to study any possible links, but they note that the rapidly changing technology of cell phones (newer phones emit less potential cancer-causing radiation than older models) and the difficulty of documenting the duration of people’s exposure could make a definitive answer difficult.
Cancer is one Disease:
When people talk about a cure for cancer, there’s an implication that it’s a single illness. In fact, we should think of cancer as many different diseases, with different causes, preventive measures and treatments. It’s highly unlikely that a single treatment will cure all types of cancer.
And certain cancers are already curable. Many types of skin cancers, for example, are curable just by removing them. Others types, such as cancer of the pancreas, are almost never cured.
Cancer Spreads with Surgery:
While some myths about cancer might be more widely regarded, the misconception pertaining to surgery is perhaps the most dangerous, as it may prevent some from accepting much needed treatment. This myth basically states that a cancer will spread to the rest of the body if that body is exposed to air, or in other words, opened during surgery.
It probably arose from the correlation between fatal cancer and surgery before cancer research and screenings were more refined, when cancer surgery was the only way to investigate whether someone may have cancer or not, and how serious that cancer may be. The point is that surgery never caused the cancer, it was just much more commonly done in instances of already severe cancer being present.
Cancer is on the Rise:
It’s true that more people currently have cancer now than in the past. But at least two of the reasons for this are positive developments: People are living longer (and advanced age is a risk factor for cancer) and people with cancer are living longer after diagnosis.
Better cancer care — and better medical care in general — have contributed to the rising number of people living with cancer. Finally, there are more people on the earth today than ever before and that plays a role as well: More people means more people with cancer. However, the actual risk of cancer is falling.
Only Women have Breast Cancer:
IT is not true. Basically, breast cancer is a common cancer in women but a rare one in men. The lifetime risk of breast cancer in men is about 1 in 1000 (vs 1 in 8-10 in women). It’s also much less likely to be missed by a man, since there’s a lot less breast tissue for it to hide in. Regular mammograms aren’t recommended for people whose risk is extremely low – men and younger women.
Cancer is not Curable:
It is not true. It depends on the type of cancer and the stage it’s in. The earlier it’s detected and treated, the far greater chance of long-term survival. Don’t just rely on Western Medicine. It has some real limitations. Commonly used Chemotherapy is way overused and poisons cancer cells and healthy cells, including the very immune cells that will help fight cancer! Whether you choose Western or Alternative Medicine or both together, you must become informed to make intelligent decisions.
Cancerous Lumps: All Lumps are not Cancer
There are many different things that can cause swellings: bruising or fluid build-up, abscesses, things attached to the skin, eg ticks (small parasites which latch onto your pet and suck blood swelling as they do so), and, of course, cancers. If you find any unusual lump or swelling on your pet you should make an appointment for your vet to check it out. Although most lumps are harmless, some can be very dangerous if left untreated. The biggest concern for most people is whether their pet has cancer.
Artificial Sweeteners cause Cancer:
“It’s one of those myths that has left the realm of science and entered the realm of faith,” says Vreeman. According to Vreeman, of 50 noted studies on saccharine — the world’s oldest artificial sweetener — 20 involved rats consuming the compound in massive doses for more than 18 months. Research on the rats’ offspring found the males developed more cases of cancer. From that one study, countries worldwide banned saccharine while the US put out health warnings. Even so, there’s not been a study linking it to human cancer.
Positive Attitude prevents Cancer:
There’s no scientific proof that a positive attitude gives you an advantage in cancer treatment or improves your chance of being cured. What a positive attitude can do is improve the quality of your life during cancer treatment and beyond. You may be more likely to stay active, maintain ties to family and friends, and continue social activities. In turn, this may enhance your feeling of well-being and help you find the strength to deal with your cancer.
Withheld Cancer:
Your doctor and the FDA, which must approve new drugs before they can be marketed, are your allies. As such, they make your safety a high priority. Unfortunately, scientific studies to determine the safety and effectiveness of new cancer treatments take time. That may create the appearance or lead to reports that effective new treatments are being blocked.
If you still believe a cure is being purposefully withheld, ask yourself why a doctor would choose to specialize in cancer research. Oftentimes doctors go into cancer research because they have a family member or friend affected by the disease. They’re just as interested in finding a cure as anyone else, for exactly the same reason — it affects them personally. They hate to see a loved one in pain and don’t wish to lose this person. They also want to spare others what they have gone through.