Cough is a natural reflex to clear your airways and throat. An occasional cough is normal as it flushes out dirt, microbes and build-up mucus. However, if the cough is caused due to allergy, infection or asthma, see your health care provider and get treated.
Unfortunately, during the flu and cold season, your chances of getting sick is pretty high. In case the cough lingers on after viral infection and irritates day and night, scroll below to acknowledge home remedies for a persistent cough.
10 Best Natural Home Remedies For Persistent Cough

Steam inhalation – Steam Inhalation moisturizers irritated and dry airways. It thins the mucus and clears the throat. In addition, warm steam reduces the severity of cough and eases throat pain.

Place your head over a bowl filled with steaming water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam for about 10 minutes. Repeat this 3-4 times in a day.
Stay hydrated – Stay hydrated to keep your throat moist and thin the mucus. Keep sipping soothing fluids such as lukewarm lemon water, herbal tea, vegetable soup or just warm water.

Saltwater gargle – To clear the mucus from the back of your throat; try saltwater gargle at least 3-4 times a day. Gargling once will not cut cough. In saltwater gargle, also kill the germs and soothes a sore throat.
- If you suffer from hypertension, better avoided
- Make sure not to ingest saltwater.
Turmeric for cough – Our body’s immune system fights germs and keeps Cold And Cough at bay. Take your immune system seriously and include food in your diet that improves immunity. One of the immunity boosters is turmeric.
Turmeric has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. If you are suffering from a persistent cough, try a simple concoction of honey and turmeric.

Mix 2 teaspoons of honey and a teaspoon of turmeric. Make a smooth paste. Consume a half teaspoon of honey and turmeric paste three to four times a day.
Garlic – Garlic has antiviral agents that reduce the impact of cough. Take a clove of garlic, a rose that and have it with a teaspoon of honey before going to bed to relieve cough.
In addition, chop some garlic cloves and add them to your food. Finally, swallow a small clove of garlic every morning to boost body immunity and keep seasonal upheavals at bay.

Ginger – To ease the asthmatic or dry cough, drink ginger tea. It is anti-inflammatory and antiviral. Ginger relaxes the membrane in the airways and reduces the bout of cough.

Steep a piece of garlic in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink warm.
Black pepper to combat cough and cold – Black pepper de-clogs nasal passage and alleviates chest congestion. It battles off irritating mucus and stimulates circulation.

Add black pepper to ginger tea and drink it warm. Alternatively, add 2-3 pinches of black pepper to a half teaspoon of honey and consume it.
Honey – Honey is an antibacterial, mild antibiotic and a natural cough reliever. It reduces night time coughing and improves sleep.

Add a teaspoon of honey to warm Lemon Water and drink it to soothe a sore throat and suppress cough.
- Always use organic honey.
- Do not give honey to children younger than one year as it carries the risk of Infant botulism.
Fenugreek seed – Fenugreek seeds have antibiotic properties and acts as an expectorant. It clears the air passage and improves the lungs’ function.

Boil a half tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in two cups of water till the quantity of water reduces to half. Let it cool to a tolerable temperature. Strain and drink it.
- Apple cider vinegar – Apple cider vinegar thins the mucus. It creates an unfriendly environment for microbes to grow and reproduce. It is one of the natural home remedies to manage the symptom of COPD. The probiotic found in apple cider vinegar boosts body immunity and effectively fights respiratory infections.

- Take one-fourth teaspoon of cayenne pepper, one-fourth teaspoon of ground ginger, one-tablespoon honey, one-tablespoon apple cider vinegar and 2 tbsp water. Mix the ingredients and consume one teaspoon of the mixture to ease cough
- Dilute apple cider vinegar before drinking it or being acidic; it may irritate the stomach lining. Also, rinse your teeth properly with water after consuming apple cider vinegar to avoid damage to tooth enamel.
- Convectional cough remedies available over the counter leave you with a dry mouth and drowsy feeling. This is because primarily, they treat the symptoms are not the root cause. On the other hand, ‘natural home remedies to get rid of persistent cough’ ease cough, kill infection and boost your immunity.
- If cough stays for more than two weeks, see your health care provider.
Can Persistent Cough Be A Symptom Of Covid-19?

A persistent cough can be a symptom of covid-19 along with loss of smell, fever and body pain. Cough can affect more than 46% of adults with covid-19 and is less common in children. The cough is usually dry. However, if you develop an underlying lung condition, you may cough mucus or phlegm. If you have already Tested Positive Covid-19 and is coughing green or yellow phlegm, it may be a sign of secondary bacterial infection in your lungs that requires proper treatment.
If you cough more than normal and without apparent explanation, better get tested for covid-19, self-isolate yourself and follow covid-19 protocol.
How To Get Rid Of Post-Covid Cough?

Cough can persist for a month after covid-19 infection and can be accompanied by cognitive impairment, low-grade fever, dyspnoea and other long-time effects termed as a post-covid syndrome. To ease a Post-Covid Cough, follow the tips discussed below:
- Stay Hydrated
- Drink lots of lukewarm fluid
- Steam inhalation
- Saltwater gargle
- Lie on your left side instead of lying on your back as this helps to drain the phlegm fast the neighbour
- Practice breathing exercises to improve the function of lungs to manage post-covid cough.
- Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals and protein such as pulses, eggs, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables.
The natural home remedies for persistent cough discussed in this article can help you to ease post-covid cough but before taking any herb, consult your physician. Also, see your doctor if symptoms get worse or you experience breathing issues.