Can You believe that numerals below show us a feature that humanity is One God’s creation, who is ever loving ?? Here is how amazing mathematics is proven by His messengers from time to time.
We have a beautiful message to share. We know that there are 26 alphabets in English. Giving them ascending value as given here, we find:
A = 1 ; B = 2 ; C = 3 ; D = 4 ; E = 5 ; F = 6 ; G = 7 ; H = 8 ; I = 9 ; J = 10 ; K = 11 ; L = 12 ; M = 13 ; N = 14 ; O = 15 ; P = 16 ; Q = 17 ; R = 18 ; S = 19 ; T = 20 ; U = 21 ; V = 22 ; W = 23 ; X =24 ; Y = 25 ; Z = 26.
With each alphabet getting a number, in chronological order, as above, study the following and bring down the total to a single digit and see the result.
S h r e e K r i s h n a
M o h a m m e d
M a h a v i r
G u r u N a n a k
7+21+18+21+14+1+14+1+11 =108 =9
Z a r a t h u s t r a
G a u t a m
E s a M e s s i a h
Each one ends with number 9
It is a wonder that the names of each of the principal figures in each religion mentioned are adding to figure 9. Their LIGHT was from the same source, the Creator. All of them preached and practiced “LOVE.”
There are ample of examples in their lives that we know individually as per our religion. The requirement is to get together and make a better and harmonious world. It is when we demonstrate and implement Love, Compassion and Oneness for all that we will experience trouble-free world and no more eruptions of violence as in recent days in France and Germany.