How To Turn Around Your Bathspace With Hindware

Innovation in technology is something that we hear and read about everyday. However, when the technological innovation happens in the most overlooked space of your house, your bathroom, you are taken aback.
You Need to Know Social Sights Of the Web-world -1
The new version of Fuller House Show already A Hit prior to its Release: The new version of the famous TV serial of 90 ‘Fuller House ” is about to be released and has become a hit. It is being discussed in other countries as well. […]
Self-Healing in Technology

Would you not get pleased if the cracked screen of the smartphone repairs itself as the original? The scientists of the University of Bristol have successfully developed such a technology that if a delicate gadget cracks, it can repair itself. These scientists have shown in a presentation, their achievement before the Royal Society in London. […]
World’s Biggest Problem: The Robotic And Autonomous Weapons.

Robotic weapons with Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Autonomous weapons are the gifts of the modern times. Such weapons have been made that once armed or put on watch they will be difficult to control. Especially those working with artificial intelligence that have chemical weapons deployed on them.
Everything You Need To Know About City Made For Driverless Cars Does Not Permit Humans..

Imagine, a made only for cars, has everything the daily needs, but has no permission for humans to enter. Such a city exists and has been made by the University of Michigan for researchers to test driverless cars. The city is called ‘MCity.’ It was developed, out of necessity.
See, Why Holloman High Speed Test Track Is So Famous?

If somebody is fond of very high speed and safety capabilities, then he should go to New Mexico in the USA. That is where they have Holloman Air Force base at Holloman High-Speed Test Track (HHSTT) in South Central New Mexico, USA. The length of the track is 15.47 km and suitable for high-speed testing. […]
Use of Drone’s Technology – A Leap Forward For Delveries

The drones technology aircrafts are operated all over the world for various purposes. Different recruitment companies have included them in their business after seeing their success. These companies are paying one hundred thousand dollars to the pilots flying drones and looking for more such pilots for employment.
Surfing Park in Melbourne Harbour

Melbourne will be the first world city to have floating surf park. Two Architect firms are working on this. Very soon they will present such a park to the citizens. The city will be a trend setter and a heaven for those who are into water sports and outdoor activities. Photo credit: Dainik Bhaskar The […]
1) Solo Wedding Craze in Japan 2) Thought Control Through An App.

Solo Wedding Craze in Japan Lately, the single women number has gone up substantially in Japan. Reason they have become career oriented. Instead of settling down for a family life they want to be professionally qualified in life.. Many agencies are mushrooming all over to give them services for celebrating grand receptions. One, Seraka travel […]
Web Hot: Popular On The Well Known Web-sights

imgur: Strange Experiments for Homeless. In Canada, there is a different view of different people for homeless. Some people do not like the homeless whom they consider as rolling stones. They do not want that homeless live near their houses or stay under the bridges or sheltered places in a city or nearby areas. But […]