China’s Tianhe-2, the Fastest Supercomputer.

Chinese have done an excellent job this year by continuing to lead in the field of Supercomputers. The National University of Defense Technology has successfully made a supercomputer Tianhe-2, the fastest speed supercomputer in the world.

This computer is used for the defense research and education. The main thrust will be simulation, analysis, and government security applications. Tianhe-2 is the top most speed holder amongst TOP500  list published in June and November 2013.

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Source: Wikipedia.

It’ s speed is 33.86 petaflops per second. This is the fastest when compared to Titan of the US which had 17.59 petaflops per second.  Due to high consumption, Titan  was closed by the US.

The result is declared in Leipzig fair ” International Super Computing Conference.” 2014. Prior to this in year 2010 Tianhe-1A had scored first position among the world’s top ten Supercomputers. China has a direct competition with American companies. The next in line are UK, France and Germany. The Tianhe-2 will be shifted to the National Super Computer Centre, Guangzhou.

China has 20% more supercomputers 76 up from 63 this year, in the twice yearly list of first 500 Supercomputers of the world, whereas the US is down by 15%.. However, America still has the maximum such machines at 233. The Chinese tally is single handedly more than UK, France and Germany put together.

Five years ago, IBM’s Roadrunner was the first computer to have reached the 1 petaflops per second  mark and over all the world has 274 petaflops per second by putting all the computers together. In this sense the Chinese achievement is far ahead of times and noteworthy.




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