See What Happened To The First Insect-sized Drone

Yogesh Chukewad with his team invented the first flying drone (robot) in the USA. He is a PhD researcher at the University of Washington. He made the successful flying drone (robot) in his research project and claimed that this is the first robot of the world. He graduated BTech with Hons from Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, […]
What This Will Make You How to Get Healthier Energy for Environments

The necessity of electricity has increased substantially over the years. In earlier times the types of equipment, appliances, and types of machinery were fewer as compared to the present times. The electric bills amount has swelled for industrial, commercial, institutional and occupational, and residential premises.
How UV Light Can Improve Your Health

Are you interested in improving your overall health? Whether or not you know it, improving your health doesn’t have to be overly difficult. Most people mistakenly believe that they’ll need to completely revamp their entire lifestyle just to get a little bit healthier. This couldn’t be further from the truth. A few simple changes can […]
Wonderful Paradox of Handheld Technology of the World

Favorable View on Handheld Technology: Scientists at the University of London observed that children who saw TV or Internet three or more hours a day were three months leading of their companions who saw less than an hour a day.
All You Need to Know on Panama Canal’s New Locks System

A new chapter got added to the 102 years old Panama Canal. The Canal is the well-known symbol of human ambitions and achievements. The enhanced capacity got added with an expenditure of US 5.5 billion and construction exceeded the time limit by two years.
Learn How to Avoid Computer Hackers Asking for Ransom

Ransomware means the use of computer software intended to capture the stored data on a computer system through the internet. After obtaining the information that is crucial, the hacker(who decode and get into others computers’ saved info) would ask for a reward or bribe to release the captured info. In practice, after the ransom, the info may not […]
There Will Be No Need To Self-drive On The Roads.

Automobile: Smart Car will bring in a plenty of changes.The accidents are bound to reduce and save plenty of lives, gas. Then, no need to self-drive on the roads.
All You Need to Know How DNA Retain Billion Helpful DVDS

Computer data is storable on magnetic tape, disk or optical storage system. A group of Scientists of the Washington University and Microsoft and Illinois University has shown that the DNA found in our blood cell particle can store the data. The storage capacity is so vast and incredible that whole world’s digital info is storable […]
You See How A Lady For The first Time Happily Sends A ‘robot’ To Line For New iPhone6

A young Aussi lady named Lucy Kelly 22, on Friday, had put her robot on duty, in Queue to for getting an Apple’s iPhone6 getting released in Sydney. The robot is an application for the people to make use of new electronic devices. She bagged the third spot for the new version of the iPhone.
Self-Healing in Technology

Would you not get pleased if the cracked screen of the smartphone repairs itself as the original? The scientists of the University of Bristol have successfully developed such a technology that if a delicate gadget cracks, it can repair itself. These scientists have shown in a presentation, their achievement before the Royal Society in London. […]