Pranayama’s Importance to Promote Health.

By properly practicing Pranayama a good health can be maintained and cure many diseases. Right from the initial stage when following pranayama the digestive system starts to improve. It helps by clearing of the very fine metabolic waste from the body through boosting the enzymatic action.

Understanding Stress Solves Problems of Body And Mind.

We all need to be loved so that society’s negative bestowal on humans can be nullified. In our day to day life we see so much of error, discomfort, stress and disharmony. These negative traits  take a heavy toll from all beings. Calling someone out of control or mind means that person is perilous, unable to […]

Benefits of Yoga For The Entire Human Race

Practice yoga REGULARLY and get benefit any where at any time. One ought to know that benefits start to trickle if yoga is practiced daily and continuously. There is no short cut by watching or thinking about it does not help. It is the

Sprouts In The Context Of Malnutrition Vs Rich Food

It is unbelievable but true that taking rich food round the year, has been found to result into malnutrition. Normally, it is saidor thought that a person taking rich and expensive food in 24 hours can not fall in the category of malnutrition. Scientifically, medically & nutrition point of view it has been established that […]

How To Cure Diabetes Through Yoga

Sit in Vajar asan as shown in the pictures below. Close your fists and join them at the knuckles and after breathing out press the fist with thumbs pressing next to naval’s both sides into the stomach. Bend your trunk so that closed  fists are pressing the thighs with the little fingers. Straighten your trunk and look in […]

G M Foods:Playing Around with Agriculture and Human Being

The worst economic condition of the masses is amongst the farmers of India. In this nation of scams, the biggest scams are with the policies for the farming sector affecting the farmers. At least 65 % of the nations populace are engaged in farming in one way or the other. The suicide rate of the farmers are […]

How to Cure Snoring Naturally

There is no cure for Snoring or Sleep Apnea in modern medicine science of allopathic system. Snoring and Sleep Apnea cause major problem in the humans’ sleep. During sleep the muscles around the airways get relaxed thus gradually shutting the intake of oxygen.

Misconception about Sprouts and Gas Formation

The ever increasing complaint of stomach gas formation due to sprouts is not correct. This happens due to unwanted and unnecessary fermentation in the digestive system of human body. Food one is eating may be hard for the body to break down and the body is telling you so by gas formation.