Do You Know that White Refined Sugars Is Very Unhealthy ?

Sugars: There are a number of sugars around.  Glucose also known as dextrose. Fructose; Lactose; Sucrose;Maltose; Insulin. Glucose is grape sugar or blood sugar – it occurs in almost all the fruit and vegetables. Lactose is a sugar which occurs in milk, it is digested less readily and hence is not so fattening. It is a food for intestinal bacteria which change into Lactic Acid. […]

How to Control Cholesterol, Saturated Fat And Uric Acid? Through Sprouts

Saturated Fat

The trio, Cholesterol, Saturated Fat And Uric Acid which is responsible for undermining the health of vast number of persons  – old, young and children ( male or female) consists of the following : 1) Increase in the level of the cholesterol in the body. 2) In take of too much fat which is mostly of the saturated type. […]

The Complete Food

The idea balanced diet or the complete diet has gained great popularity during the last four – five  decades.  It is said that the body needs a number of constituents like Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, Vitamins, Enzymes, Water, Fiber and Minerals.

Complete And Balanced (Rejuvenating ) Food

Complete food in our diet include the following items seeds, grain and legumes(pulses). Humans have recognized these items as the most important part of their diet. The Yogic medical literature divide the food into two parts: 1 ) The complete food ( PURANA ANN) 2)  Rejuvenating food (Amrit Ann)

Rejuvenating Food

Human body goes through five phases  1. Birth 2. Infancy 3. Adulthood 4. Old Age and 5.Death. The body starts withering in old age – as weakness, various diseases and sickness set in. Decay usually sets in with the old age, but in certain cases the diseases and other deficiencies start showing right from the very birth, childhood, adulthood […]

Sprouts And Their Systematic Investigation

Sprouts are age old food since early times but not all of the human beings know much about them. They have been used for a long period and lot of findings are there for us to learn. The people living on the eastern coasts and islands of Asia have used sprouts as their major food […]

Dry Seeds Versus Sprouts

An important question arises when we take either of Legumes, Seeds, or Grains in dry state and their Sprouts. When the importance of their benefits are understood, all will go for the sprouts. This will only be established when it is demonstration through use of both systematically and clinically.  We know this for sure as major chunk of world’s […]

All About Sprouting

Any one can open a Sprouts vitamin factory at home. All you need is a few vessels or  utensils. A few plates and fine muslin clothes (sheets). This a nice indoors establishment.  Not much of skill  or experience is asked for – also not much of space is required. One can be certain that this […]

Why Patronise Sprouts??

Nobody is happy with the ever-increasing prices of fruits and vegetables. Do you know the inferior results obtained for the humans by putting the fruits and vegetables in the cold storage?  Can you deny the effect of acetylene and numerous preservatives and pestisecticides used for faster maturing and preserving the natural fruits and vegetables ?


  For  entire human race, there are 28 elements  used in the construction of human beings. All persons irrespective of color and creed and caste have brain which is about 2% the body weight is about 1.8 kgs for male and 1.6 weight for female. It is formed of more than 100 billions Neurons. Neurons are formed to generate , receive and […]